Sturm und Web

  • Sturm und Web

    Ontology: Bio-LarK Concept Recognizer

    HPO – The Human Phenotype Ontology [     {         “dataSource”: “Human Phenotype Ontology”,         “startOffset”: “34”,         “endOffset”: “51”,         “originalSpan”: “metaphyses flared”,         “uri”: “”     },     {         “dataSource”: “Human Phenotype Ontology”,         “startOffset”: “4”,         “endOffset”: “28”,         “originalSpan”: “long bones shortened”,         “uri”: “”     },

  • Sturm und Web

    The real cost of sequencing

    The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation Due considerazioni 1. The real #cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation – Paul Muir 2. The concept of “cost per genome”

  • Sturm und Web

    Array Technology vs Next-Generation Sequencing

    Array Technology vs Next-Generation Sequencing Array Technology vs Next-Generation Sequencing Array technology looks for specific single-letter changes in the DNA sequence, or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). If a DNA change is known to be associated with increased risk for a particular disease or trait, also known as a mutation, then this data can be extremely useful in patient care. Let’s take the commonly-known BRCA2 gene as an example. There are more than 1,300 known mutations2 in the BRCA2 gene. Many of these mutations are associated with an increased risk of several types of cancer in women and men, including breast, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, and melanoma. Genetic tests that use array technology typically…

  • Sturm und Web,  Web und Sturm

    Muenchen comes again.

    A quanto pare il mio amore per la città di Monaco sembra non arrestarsi nonostante l’età e le vicissitudini che la vita porta (e mi ha portato nel corso del tempo). Stavo trattando il tema della Visualization of biological data with JavaScript, tra BioJS (è una trattazione iniziata con @MicroArrayTool) e una serie di letture. E’ davvero una miniera. Sarebbe davvero bellissimo poterla visitare. BioJS è studiato in ogni sua forma. Non ci sono parole per la quantità di informazioni che tengono. Magnifico in ogni sua forma.

  • Sturm und Web

    Science should be something we share

    By Sam Illingworth Finding new ways to let us grow, Helping us learn so that we know. Spreading this knowledge, we are aware: Science should be something we share. Science is in all that we do, It can explain why the sky is blue. Not telling others is quite unfair; Science should be something we share. Black holes to quarks, it explains all; When things go up, then they must fall. Ideas without it are just hot air; Science should be something we share. Science can tell us what makes us tick, How birds can fly, why cheetahs are quick. This can be used to help and to care, Science…

  • Sturm und Web

    Science knows no country

    Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence. Louis Pasteur

  • Sturm und Web

    Analisi di un’espressione

    Alcuni tratti di questo paper mi hanno così colpito che meritano un posto nel blog. La domanda è: gli eyespots hanno un’origine singola o multipla in farfalle nymphalid? Un approccio è stato quello di tracciare la presenza e assenza di eyespots a 399 specie Ninfalide. A Single Origin for Nymphalid Butterfly Eyespots Followed by Widespread Loss of Associated Gene Expression Jeffrey C. Oliver Xiao-Ling Tong Lawrence F. Gall William H. Piel Antónia Monteiro

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